Register for (Re)Design Your Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) Syllabus through Exploring the Social Change Wheel: Working Toward Anti-Racism, Equity, and an Expanded Definition of CEL

  • Location: Via Zoom
  • Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 1:30 - 2:50 PM
  • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, November 12, 2024
ATTENTION: Faculty, Academic Staff, and Instructors, new or experienced with community-engaged learning. 

In this workshop we will expand our definition of community-engaged learning through exploration of campus and community-based social change strategies, which have anti-racism, equity, and community partnerships at their core. Informed by the Social Change Wheel, we will highlight definitions, tools, and resources related to designing a community-engaged course syllabus and addressing the student learning experience, community partnerships, and critical reflection opportunities. We will draw from sample syllabi, templates, and peer testimonials to assist instructors in shaping plans for future courses.


Personal Information

Special Accommodations

If you require any special accommodations, please note them in the box below. We will do our best to comply with requests made by 11/5/2024. Requests made after that time will be accommodated if time and facilities permit.

Event Information

For more information about this event, please contact:

Michelle Snitgen